
Showing posts with the label Fun Run Medals

2019 Houston Holiday Series Running Medals

2019 Houston Holiday Series Running Medals Awards Gift CO., LTD Houston holiday series is full of fun and holiday-themed family-friendly runs in Houston, there are 6 unique design finisher medals for 6 interesting events all around the year. Here is the events calendar : Lucky Charm 5K at 16th March Green 6.2 & 3.1 at 20th April Memorial Day 10K at 27th May Independence day 8K at 29th June Monster Mash Run 5K & 10K at 26th October Houston's 12Ks of Christmas at 21th December Below are photos for  finisher medal for events  already finished Green 6.2 cut medal Lucky Charm 5K Medal Memorial day 10K medals Below are upcoming events and running awards medals. Independence day 8K medals Monster Mash run medals 12K Christmas race medals If you run 2 or more in the series you'll qualify for series awards like SWAG and the Holiday Series medals! Looking forward to making custom running medals, please contact us: ...

Running Universal 5K Minion Medals

Running Universal 5K Minion Medals Awards Gift CO.,LTD Running Universal 5K Minion Medals The inaugural Running Universal 5K at Universal Studios Hollywood is almo just finished here at 11-12th May 2019 and the medal is so fun and catching your eyes. The running universal 5K minion medal is rotating design,with 3D raised gold minion in the center,out round circle can be moving surround.below is rotating medal videos for you reference. Virtual 5k Running at 11-12th May, After the run, experience the heart-pounding rides, shows and attractions that put you inside some of the world's most popular movies and TV shows. Specially priced Theme Park tickets are available for purchase as part of registration. Tighten your laces and stretch your hamstrings from ANYWHERE in the U.S and still nab your Minion-themed finisher medal and other cool memorabilia in the Running Universal inaugural...